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Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:16 pm
by Jay
You must always be near enough to pick up thinghs or use objects :wink:

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:01 pm
by bernie
Love the game Jay absolutly fantastic. But...
1 Game won't run in opengl mode on either of my 'puters.
2 game crashes on my old dell using dx7 driver and the top end driver (that does'nt surprise me though because I have trouble with all games on that 'puter with those drivers.
3 On my dell xps I can run the game with the top driver only but when I get doen in the silo i get a crash with the following xp log report.
"AppName: realityfactory.exe AppVer: ModName: realityfactory.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00075748"

Most games won't run at all using that driver but run ok with dx7 driver but yours won't run using dx7 driver.

Dell XPS
2gb memory
intel dual processor 3.01ghz
500gb hard drive
Nvidia 6600 graphics card

Driver log
D3DDrv v100.3
Build Date: Mar 10 2005, Time: 21:18:41

Current Time: 16:43:40
Current Date: 2- 3-2008

** D3D Driver Initializing **

--- D3DMain_CreateDDFromName ---
Name: Primary Display Driver
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 257961984
--- D3DMain_RememberOldMode ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDisplayModes ---
--- D3DMain_CreateD3D ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDevices ---
--- D3DMain_SetDisplayMode ---
W: 1024, H: 768, Bpp: 16, FullScreen: YES
--- D3DMain_PickDevice ---
--- D3DMain_CreateBuffers ---
Back Buffer Count = 2
--- D3DMain_CreateZBuffer ---
EnumZBufferFormats: StencilBitDepth>=8... can do 8bit stencil buffer
ZBuffer Depth Available: 16-bit (YES), 24-bit (YES), 32-bit (NO),
ZBuffer Depth: 16, ZBuffer in Video: YES
--- D3DMain_CreateDevice ---
Vender ID = 4318
Device ID = 193
--- D3DMain_CreateViewPort ---
--- D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats ---
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:8000, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:f000, R:f00, G:f0, B:f / 16, U:f00, V:f0, L:f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:f800, G:7e0, B:1f / 16, U:f800, V:7e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:ff000000, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:0 / 16, U:ff, V:ff00, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:1f, G:3e0, B:fc00 / 16, U:1f, V:3e0, L:fc00 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:ff0000 / 32, U:ff, V:ff00, L:ff0000 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:31545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:32545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:33545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:34545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:35545844 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:f800, G:7e0, B:1f Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:f800, G:7e0, B:1f Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:f800, G:7e0, B:1f Texture Support Found
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find a 888 (24-bit) texture support.
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find 888 (24-bit) bump map support.
--- D3DMain_SetRenderState ---
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 253231104

** Initialization was successful **

THandle_CheckCache: Resetting texture cache...
NO 3dfx card detected, using larger number of handles...
--- D3DMain_SetDisplayMode ---
W: 1024, H: 768, Bpp: 16, FullScreen: YES
THandle_CheckCache: Resetting texture cache...
NO 3dfx card detected, using larger number of handles...

RF log
Searching for fullscreen driver

Initializing Game Shell...
--- Reality Factory CR 04/11/07 ---
--- For more Information, visit: ---
--- ---

Parsed RealityFactory.ini file

Genesis3D Initialized

*INFO* VFS detected (not encrypted)...

Initializing Camera Manager...
*INFO* Loaded install\camera.ini
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...
*INFO* Loaded install\wwcmenu.ini
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\titlescreen3.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\titlescreen1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\titlescreen1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\images.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_images.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\images1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_images1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\remap.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_remap.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\credit.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_credit.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\images2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_images2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\images3.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_images3.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\titles.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_titles.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\cursor.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_cursor.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\crosshair.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_crosshair.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\crosshair.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\a_crosshair.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\ffoe.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_ffoe.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\ffoe.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Cour16B.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_Cour16B.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Cour16B.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\blue.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_blue.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\blue.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\info.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_info.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\info.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\damage.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_damage.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\damage.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Cour10W.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_Cour10W.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Cour10W.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Dioran.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_Dioran.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Dioran.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Kriston.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_Kriston.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Kriston.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\calendar.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_calendar.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\calendar.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\story.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_story.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\story.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Cour10W.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_Cour10W.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\Cour10W.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\menu.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\a_menu.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fonts\menu.dat
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\menu\menuclick.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\menu\menuclick.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\menu\menuclick.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\menu\\theme.mp3
Initializing Menu
*INFO* Loaded install\control.ini
Initializing Collision Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Launching Reality Factory Game Shell...
Entering CRFMenu::DoMenu()
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\menu\loading.bmp
Initializing Level: vally.bsp
Configuring Camera Defaults...
*INFO* Loaded install\camera.ini
*INFO* Loaded media\levels\vally.bsp
Initializing Entity Registry...
Initializing Terrain Manager...
Initializing Effects Manager...
Initializing Actor Manager...
*INFO* Loaded install\material.ini
Parsing Environment Setup Entity...
Initializing Model Manager...
Creating Player Avatar...
*INFO* Loaded install\playersetup.ini
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\die1.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\injury.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\injury1.wav
Loading Player Avatar...
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Player\Dioran.act
Initializing HUD...
Initializing Damage Subsystem...
Initializing FixedCamera Manager Subsystem...
Loading Player Configuration...
Loading Attributes and Player Configuration from PlayerSetup.ini
Loading Environmental Audio
*INFO* Loaded install\environment.ini
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\footstep.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\water\\w1.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\water\\w2.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\water\\w3.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\rock\\r1.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\rock\\r2.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\rock\\r3.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\metal\\m1.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\metal\\m2.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footsteps\\metal\\m3.wav
Parsing PlayerSetup Entity
Initialize Player Data
Parsing EnvironmentSetup Entity
*INFO* Loaded install\player.ini
Initializing Automatic Door Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Moving Platform Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Teleport Manager Subsystem...
Initializing MorphingField Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing 3d AudioSource Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Particle Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Static Entity Props Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\wegw.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\door0.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\trapdoor.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\ladder.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\weapon\wpprops\hammer_big_prop.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\telestone.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\igrat_statue.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\chest_luxus.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\bed_small.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\wpprops\ShortSword.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\gloves_prop.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\blackshoes_prop.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\potion1.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\bed_big.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\Hammer.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\sign_smith.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\cheese.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\trembolonmap.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\sign_inn.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\sign_potion.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\messagesign0.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\akslet.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\metalhub.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\metalhub_LOD1.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\ambience\amboss.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\goldbag.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\book_001.act
Initializing Static Mesh Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\rattunnels\rt_floor1.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\rattunnels\rt_floor2.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\rattunnels\rt_floor3.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\rattunnels\rt_ceil1.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\rattunnels\rt_ceil2.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\chair.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\table.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\painting.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\table2.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\picstand.act
Initializing Soundtrack Toggle Subsystem...
Initializing Streaming Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Video Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Corona Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Dynamic Light Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ElectricBolt Manager Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\Bolt.Bmp
Initializing Procedural Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Path Database...
Initializing Path Followers...
Initializing Rain Effects Manager...
Initializing Spout Effects Manager...
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\flame03.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\a_flame.bmp
Initializing ActorSpout Effects Manager...
Initializing Floating Particle Effects Manager...
Initializing eChaos Effects Manager...
Initializing Flame Effects Manager...
Initializing ScriptPoint Manager Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\corona.bmp
Initializing Pawn Manager Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded install\conversation.txt
*INFO* Loaded install\pawn.ini
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\conversation\background.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\conversation\a_background.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\shortsword.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\Longsword.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\Broadsword.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\Zorniumsword.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\goldendagger.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\skystaff.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\fsword.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\diorans_sword.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\hammer_big.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\torch.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\hammer.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Weapon\butcherm.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\heavy_shoes.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\leather_shirt.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\leather_cap.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\gloves.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\blackshoes.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\west_smith.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\priestrobe.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\west_cook.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\cook_head.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\cooking_tool.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\chainmail_chest.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\chainmail_hands.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\zorniumarmor.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\moonrobe.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\items\sandrobe_fem.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\stasisfield.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\invisible.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\pl.s
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\door.wav
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\ratattack.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Creatures\rat.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\vally_firegolem.s
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\footstep.wav
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Creatures\Firegolem.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\vally_firegolem.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\destr_m.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\destr_model.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\ratattack.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\ratattack.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\ratattack.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\ratattack.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\ratattack.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\atonga.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Creatures\atonga.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Kriston_first.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Player\Kriston.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\Kriston_f.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\destr_m.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\father.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\man2.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\father.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\cook.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\man1.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\vally_cook.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\guard.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\vally_trainer.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\mooncontroller.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Projectile\proj.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Tharn.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\Tharn.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Amarziel.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\Amarziel.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\Amarziel.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Dryane.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\woman5.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\Dryane.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\pawn.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\oldman.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\vally_potion_shop.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\TO.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\woman1.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\TO.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\vally_priest.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\vally_priest.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\k_mother.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\woman4.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\innwoman.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\pawn.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\man4.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\vally_mapdrawer.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\pawn.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Pawn\woman2.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\vally_generic.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\mooncrystal.s
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Ambience\Mooncrystal.act
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\mooncrystal.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\control.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\chest.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\mooncrystal.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\pawn.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\innman.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\pawn.s
*INFO* Loaded .\scripts\Conv\merchant.s
Initializing ChangeAttribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Countdown Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Trigger Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LogicHandler Subsystem...
Initializing Message Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Effect Manager Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded install\effect.ini
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\Corona.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\Corona_a.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Gib\Concrete\con0.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Gib\Concrete\con1.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Gib\Concrete\con2.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Gib\Concrete\con3.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Gib\Concrete\con4.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Gib\Concrete\con5.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Gib\Concrete\con6.act
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\Gib\Concrete\con7.act
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\fog1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\a_flame.bmp
Initializing Weapon Manager Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded install\weapon.ini
*INFO* Loaded media\actors\projectile\proj.act
Initializing FirePoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Flipbook Manager Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv0.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv3.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv4.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv5.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv6.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv7.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv8.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv9.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv10.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv11.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv12.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv13.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv14.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv15.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv16.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv17.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv18.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv19.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv20.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv21.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv22.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv23.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv24.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv25.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv26.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv27.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv28.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv29.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv30.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv31.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv32.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv33.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv34.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv35.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv36.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv37.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv38.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv39.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv40.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\inv\inv41.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec0.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec0.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec3.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec3.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec4.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec4.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec5.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec5.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec6.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec6.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec7.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec7.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec8.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec8.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec9.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec9.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec10.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec10.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec11.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec11.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec12.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec12.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec13.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec13.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec14.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec15.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec16.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec17.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec18.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec19.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec20.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec21.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec21.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec22.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec22.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec23.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec23.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec24.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec24.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec25.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec25.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec26.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec29.bmp
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*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec30.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\sec31.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\secondary\a_sec31.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\Moon\Moon0.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\Moon\Moon1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\Moon\Moon2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\Moon\Moon3.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\book\book0.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\book\book1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\book\book2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\book\book3.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\book\book4.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\book\book5.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\book\book6.bmp
Initializing AreaCheck Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Foliage Manager Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\foliage\grass_shd.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\foliage\a_grass_shd.bmp
Initializing Tree Manager Subsystem...
Initializing PWXImage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Shadow Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Decal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing WallDecal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LevelController Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Attribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Manager Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded install\explosion.ini
Initializing Explosion Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeLevel Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ScreenShake Subsystem...
Initializing ViewSwitch Subsystem...
Initializing Inventory Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded install\Inventory.ini
Initializing Liquid Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\water22.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\a_water.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\light.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\a_light.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\lavab.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\a_light.bmp
Initializing Overlay Subsystem...
Initializing TextureMorph Subsystem...
Initializing CutScene Subsystem...
Initializing ActorMaterial Subsystem...
Initializing Armour Subsystem...
*INFO* Loaded install\armour.ini
Initializing LiftBelt Manager...
Initializing CDSpotlight Manager...
Initializing CurvedSurfaces Manager...
Initializing EntityAreaSystem Manager...
Initializing WindGenerator Subsystem...
Initializing ForceHelper...
Initalizing CineamaticEffects...
Initializing ValueFile Subsystem...
Initializing Fonts...
Preparing to Launch Game...
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\clouds_128.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\flare5.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_flare5.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\white256.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_sunflare.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\flare6.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_flare6.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\white128.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_flare3.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\white128.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_flare4.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\white128.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_flare2.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\moonFull.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_moonNew.Bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\star1.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_star2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\star2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_star2.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\white64.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_starfield64.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\white128.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_starfield128.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\white256.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_clouds4.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\clouds_256.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\a_clouds4.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\desert256.bmp
*INFO* Loaded media\bitmaps\terrain\flat.bmp
CRFMenu::GameLoop() - Setup and Run Level
*INFO* Loaded install\hud.ini
CRFMenu::GameLevel() - Entering Inner Game Loop
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\Soundtrack//Trembolon_Intro.mp3
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\Soundtrack\Trembolon_Soundtrack3.mp3
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\Soundtrack\Trembolon_Soundtrack4.mp3
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\Soundtrack\Trembolon_Soundtrack2.mp3
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\Soundtrack\Trembolon_Soundtrack4.mp3
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\Soundtrack\Trembolon_Soundtrack4.mp3
*INFO* Loaded media\audio\Soundtrack\Trembolon_Soundtrack3.mp3

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:43 pm
by Juutis
Excellent! I've been waiting for this!

First off I have to say that you've done some pretty awesome things with scripting. The inventory and stores are just fantastic. I know how hard it can be to script stuff like that. So great job! You've proven that RPGs are totally possible with RF.

I loved the intro. It created a nice mood in the beginning. Somehow reminds me of some old games.

However, the main character is kinda hard to control. When encountering an enemy I usually found myself holding the left mouse button and moving my mouse all over the screen randomly. Also, I'm not used to playing with the arrow keys, especially when the other keys are on the other side of the keyboard (Alt, space, C, etc.). If I were you I'd consider using the good ol' WSAD to move around. That's just my opinion though. I guess one of the things that bothered me the most was the clumsy camera. Especially in tight places it went through walls and too close to the main character so that I couldn't see anything. I think using the WSAD keys would help on this too, because then it would be easier to access the B key to rotate the camera to a better angle.

The graphics are decent, mostly. The characters' faces are simply beautiful. Really sweet looking. The clothes could have a bit more detail. Right now there's only the "texture". Adding some details such as pockets, seams, shoelaces etc. and shadows and highlights would spice them up nicely.

Overall, very nice work! It's a very good start for a game.

I've played the game all the way to the place where you get the Akslet. Then the priest tells me to leave the town but after that I can't figure out what to do. When I click any of the signs in the center of the town, it says that there's still something for me to do here. Oh, and am I supposed to have other characters than Dioran with me? When going down to the silo there's the little conversation with someone but I can't see anyone. The other guy's icon appears below Dioran's and he's losing HP all the time. It really confused me.

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:17 pm
by Jay
Well i just saw you're right. Some thinghs i wanted to work in the Demo somehow don't work now that i play it. But i have no clue why. It should be that when you have spoken with Dryane and Amarziel and then teleported out with the teleportation stone, Kriston should wait for you and then you could use the second teleportation stone and you are teleported into the temple with the second. And then Kriston should wait outside and when you speak to him you can go. Don't know what happend, but i will correct this.

EDIT: I have looked over the code again and there is absolutely NO reason why Kriston does not teleport to where he belongs. It's driving me crazy! I try again and again and again and still no success...

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:16 pm
by fps
really like the game, though there are some buggy things going on. Cant wait to try scripted projectiles in my game. also is physics intergrated into this demo?

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:55 pm
by fps
i cant get the demo to work very far into, liked the swiming ststem. couldent pick up the hammer. i like how you can wander into peoples houses and sleep in their beds. thats funny.

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:55 pm
by fps
the sword swing thing is really interesting, i wonder if you coulden't make a combo system out of that. id like to try anyway.
i have a few questions.
didn't you say that you put stuff like slowmotin and all that jazz in here???

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:20 am
by Agentarrow
I have to look at that when I get home, no time right now :P

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:15 pm
by Jay
It's been a long... long... time....

I picked up work again at this project. And well, it's going to change much. The current fighting system, and the character development system is not very fun in its way. This is going to change very much.

Ok lets begin. Similar to most old school rpgs every character has a 'base class' which determines which skills he/she can learn. You will not longer spend your exp in the 'training points' and you will no longer go to trainers. You will spend ALL exp in skills and spells. Directly.

So what does that mean? In its full? Well, you might have noticed that your HP and MP will not raise through training. And your weapoin damage won't too.

So how are you going to persist against evil bosses that can knock you out with 3 hits?

Well, here it comes:
Not as in most games, avoidance, parrying, blocking and deflecting of spells will NOT be proc oriented, there will be NO chance of blocking/parrying etc.
Instead there will the very important 'concentrate' spell which has a fixed mana cost of 10 mana and can be used every second.

Every time you use concentrate, ALL your spells and skills have a chance to activate, and then you can use them one time and they will be deactivated again. The chance that they activate is determined by the spell/skill level. And then you can use for example parry which can parry melee attacks, or deflect, which parries spells, avoid which avoids a spell or melee attack or block which blocks 3 spells or melee attacks in a row.

The weaponary you hold in your hands will determine what skills you can use. Here is a quick overview over the 4 defensive skills

Equipped weapons---------------Parry----Deflect---Avoid---Block
1 Handed weapon-----------------X---------------------X
2 1 Handed weapons-------------XX-------------------X
2 Handed weapon-----------------X---------X
1 and a half handed weapon-------X---------X--------X
1 handed weapon + shield---------X-----------------------------XXX

(Seems like the forum messed it up somehow.,...)

With two weapons, your parry skill parries 2 melee attacks in a row. And as every fightign style has its strenghts and weaknesses, every fighting style can be used for different thinghs and they all exist equal to each other. This is because in all styles you can use only specific skills.

For example, 2 weapons are a compromis between damage and melee parrying, but lack flexibility and are not so good against spells. 2 handed weapons make the highest damage, but lack defensive moves. Oneandhalfhands (right word?) are the most flexible of all figting styles, as you can use skills from one handed weapons and two handed weapons too. One one handed weapon will rely on speed and flexibility. Fighting with a shield gives you a good defensive boost, while loosing the flexibility and speed of the onehanded style.

The spell and skill levels will raise the chance of activation during concentrate. This lowers the time you have to wait for them, and also lowers the total mana cost indirectly, as you need fewer 'concentrates'.... and this way i encourage the players to use different spells and not just one, it would be too mana costy and ineffective to just use one spell. (Hehe, i forbid them to play the game in a way that makes it boring :wink: )

There will be 'mastery skills'. Examples:

Avoidance Mastery
Your Avoid skill avoids one attack extra.

Parry Mastery
When parrying with one weapon, your counterattack skill will automaticly activate.
When parrying with two weapons, your bladestorm skill has a 100% chance of activating when you concentrate next time.

Deflect Mastery
When deflecting a spell, your Reflect skill will activate. (Reflect can reflect spells, but this is not always usefull)

Blocking Mastery
When you parry a melee attack, your block skill will automaticly activate. (This makes it possible to parry SEVEN attacks in a row!!!)

One handed Mastery
When using the onehanded style, your avoid skill avoids one attack extra. (stacks with Avoidance mastery and makes the onehanded style really usefull)

As i said, the characters have different base classes, and they will have extra Mastery skills that make their own skills and spells better.

Fr example Kriston has this Mastery skill:

Earth Shield Mastery
When you use Earth Shield, the mana cost of your next 3 concentrate skills is lowered to 60% (=6 mana, this is very good for Kriston, because he has not very much mana)

Or Tim could have:

North wind Mastery
When north wind is active, your windbolt spell will automaticly activate your frost spell, and your icesword spell does 50% more damage. (Icesword is one of the most powerfull spells in the game but it is very costy)

So that was enough for now. It't going to be big big work to get that stuff to work.

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:57 am
by sankha93
I cannot download the demo. MediaFire is saying that the key is invalid or the file may have been removed. I can't wait to play it.

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:07 pm
by Sorington
oh it is awesome that you continue the project! :D

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:58 pm
by SV2.0
Really nice work, man. I'm on dialup, so I didn't get a chance to download your demo from somewhere with better speed until recently. I'm really impressed with your game mechanics. Very nice.

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:58 pm
by blutwurstchen

your game looks great from the screenshots. The link doesn't work though, anychance of you reuploading it so the rest of us can see what scripting can do?

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:41 pm
by Jay
Well, this could take a while. The file is on my other computer, with which i don't have internet connection all the time. But i will see what i can do.

Re: Jay's game thread (The Towers of Trembolon)

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:35 pm
by Jay
Ok, there are a few thinghs i would like to say about this project:

First, it is very inprobable that this project will be finished in the next few years. I am getting a clearer vision of the whole world of Trembolon every day, but there are just so many thinghs i haven't thought about. Also, the sheer amount of work i have to put into it is overhelming. And life itself takes time too... :)

Anyways. I noticed that the major npcs like Kriston, Tim etc. following the player is not really a good idea. They stand in the way, are not simple to command, with too many following you the fights get too easy as all the work is done by your followers with no participation on your part if the KI is too good... On the other hand, if the KI is too bad, the game drowns in micro-management - no action, no fun.

I am thinking about a way to include them into the game as important npcs, but not following the player around. You will still be able to play and level (i use the term 'leveling' because they get the exp) at least some of them, but you will only have one character in the party at one time. Maybe i make a kind of system where you can select your character and even change it during a 'mission', and you will level the one you play. This way, i can have different kinds of gameplay in one game as their abilities differ. I am thinking about a kind of 'camp' they set up at their current location, and you can talk to them and switch the character... And get tipps for your current 'mission'
However, there is a problem with 'puzzle magic'. Let's say, you need Moonbeam to complete a puzzle, and you control Kriston at the time... Maybe, just maybe, i have to make artifacts that let you cast the puzzle magic... Hm... or some kind of 'magical connection' like when Link 'joins his forces' with the Sages in OoT... Do you have any ideas?