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Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 4:52 pm
by Juutis
I think one of the best ways to avoid leaks is very careful level desing. Learn to make every house and room and everything else carefully sealed in the very beginning. Using a snap grid of 32 or 16 helps a lot. It's pure hell if you try to find a leak in a completed level.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:41 pm
by QuestOfDreams
post your 3dt file so we can see what you're doing wrong
It's pure hell if you try to find a leak in a completed level.
In fact it's pretty easy, just open the leak (.pnt) file that's created during compilation and you will see where the leak is...

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:20 pm
by Juutis
Oh, nice! Thanks for letting me know... :D
That really is useful.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 5:03 pm
by hike1 (1.1MB)-Doors, Leaks, adding a vent floor to the jail.3dt started in, making a key actor unlock a lock. Read the 1st 2 worldedit tuts.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:24 pm
by crazy
I started all over no leaks and no operations to worry about but i got this problem. :D :D :D :D :D :D
:arrow: ** BSP Compile Version: 15
** Build Date/Time: Nov 28 2003,21:24:04
--- Load Brush File ---
Num Solid Brushes : 7
Num Cut Brushes : 0
Num Hollow Cut Brushes : 0
Num Detail Brushes : 0
Num Total Brushes : 7
--- Remove Hidden Leafs ---
--- Remove Hidden Leafs ---
--- Weld Model Verts ---
--- Fix Model TJunctions ---
--- CreateLeafClusters ---
--- Save Portal File ---
--- Create Area Leafs ---
InitTextures: Unable to load texture library 'C:\Documents and Settings\sean.LAIRKOZIATEK\Desktop\Copy of RealityFactory071\media\levels\default'.
Compile Failed: GBSP_SaveGBSPFile for file: C:\Documents and Settings\sean.LAIRKOZIATEK\Desktop\Copy of RealityFactory071\media\Levels\Darkness.bsp, GBSPLib.Dll.
so what do i do about this problem? i neeeeeed hhhheeeeeellllllppppp!!!!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:06 pm
by paradoxnj
Looks lieke you forgot the file extension:

InitTextures: Unable to load texture library 'C:\Documents and Settings\sean.LAIRKOZIATEK\Desktop\Copy of RealityFactory071\media\levels\default'.

Should be:

InitTextures: Unable to load texture library 'C:\Documents and Settings\sean.LAIRKOZIATEK\Desktop\Copy of RealityFactory071\media\levels\default.txl'.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 12:21 am
by hike1
Or your path is too long, make a copy of realityfactory in C:/realityfactory.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 5:54 am
by jonas
That is pretty long it might not be able to deal with it. On my computer I created a folder with my name ex: c:\aaron's\ and I install all my programs in that folder. That way I always can find my programs real easy.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 2:08 am
by animatrix
Make sure you have the model that the player entity is asking for,
if you placing the entities correctly then you might not have the actual actor its looking for. also make sure your cube is hollow and your entities are inside in all views,