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Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:53 pm
by federico
Yes you can assign a weight to every physics object and, I know, that boxes are too light. :wink:

To import directly all the animation I suggest again the method I wrote before:
When you have a rigged character in milkshape with the ValveBiped skeleton compile it as an actor without animations. Next launch RFvfs.exe, "*.* select all files" in the file selector and then open your actor. Export the Body file at the root. Now, open the ct3.act file in the demo, delete the Body fie and "Add" the Body you have previously extracted. "Save as" with another name (choosing again "*.* select all files" in the file selector) using the .act extension. Now the new actor has the animations (naturally it works only if the skeletons match).

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:56 pm
by wackedoutbiker
Are you sure that's gonna work? I know there's a certain combination of keys to press when importing all the animations from an act file, I know because I have done it before a year ago...but I'll try your method if no one knows how to do it the other way...

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:33 am
by steven8
I'd trust frederico. He's had a fairly high success rate with this stuff. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:00 am
by wackedoutbiker
I tried it and was unable to get it to work...I KNOW there's a key combination that you press in order to import animations in Actor Studio. It's just...that I have forgotten it...

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:05 pm
by federico
Sorry, I can't help you rememberin te key combination but I can use my method on your actor. Can you post it here or send it to me using PM? I only need a compiled act file without animations (naturally it works only if your actor is linked to a ValveBiped skeleton).

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:20 pm
by wackedoutbiker
Well, I think it's Shift plus something...I do not know. I will try to contact Gekido about it. He knows, and I think this info would help the rest of us...I don't wanna enter in all that info if I don't have to...

EDIT: if I attach items as Pawns to the player (clothes, for instance) do they bend along with the character? I'm thinking of creating a kind of inventory that attaches equipped items to the character.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:19 am
by federico
Attaching an entity to another is a trouble if you want to have a bone attachment matching the bone rotation. For the first time I reached a good result in this demo, attaching the pistol to the player's hand. I had to use the new bone commands by Nout.
in gamelogic.s I put the commands:

Code: Select all

SetEntityRotation("SMG", -(GetBonePitch("CAMERA", "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH")/0.017), (GetBoneYaw("CAMERA", "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH")/0.017),0);
    SetEntityPosition("SMG", GetBoneX("CAMERA", "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH"), GetBoneY("CAMERA", "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH"), GetBoneZ("CAMERA", "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH") );
SMG is the szEntityName of the StaticEnttyproxy pistol. CAMERA is the name of the player. In the player_down.s script I turn on/off the SMG entity Alpha when pistol isactivated. I didn't look too much at thi part of the code. There isn't the weapon inventory I planned. ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH is the name of the pistol attachment on the player right hand.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:50 pm
by wackedoutbiker
Can you put that just anywhere in the code, or should it be in a certain place?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:18 pm
by federico
Everywhere, but remember that if the order where the commands are placed isn't running, the pistol loses his attachment. That's why I put it in game_logic.s, because it runs every frame of the game.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:27 pm
by wackedoutbiker
All right, thanks. Did you get my PM?