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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:17 pm
by Juutis
AWESOME!!! That TV idea is great! And those moving lines look so cool! :D
Great work.

Yeah it takes a while to load that gif image. But it sure is worth waiting!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:35 pm
by steven8
I think it looks awesome!!! Beautiful work psYco! There was an error on Filefront when I tried to download your music. I'll try again later.

See folks. . .screenshots, screenshots, screenshots!!! A picture is worth a thousand words!! :D

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:41 pm
by psYco
I used photo shop for everything! You see I cut out and made the screen into various layers with different transparencys then I wmoved them around and save each frame as a gif pic, I then made it into a gif with UnFreeZ (thanks for suggesting that steven its a great simple tool!)

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:07 am
by MakerOfGames
Well done! Nice music too!


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:31 pm
by allen5924
player is employee of the month hey.. and the other employees are naked!! this is not a **** raunchy game now is it.. lol

rademo..!!! aWesome...

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:32 pm
by psYco
:EDIT: pointless philisophical rubbish was here I just removed it. The_psYco :EDIT:

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:40 pm
by psYco
I have just updated the song for the menu, I added sum nice chanting effects I found free online, you can get it (the song) on my File Front account, im busy uploading it ATM.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:10 pm
by psYco
Please feel free to now download the updated song off my FF account it is called redbuttons menu. (no uploads so far) its not a huge change from the last song but if you wanna hear it its there!

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:35 pm
by psYco
Ok well here is just a quik sketch of what the primitaves vilage is gonna be like, it is a good example of how im using some old afrikan cultures and turing them all sci-fi! Well I know the pic is rubbish :oops: but it gets across the point of what itll look like and the sheer scale of the thing!


The whole village is gonna be housed inside one huge hut!

And the area on either side of the giant rift will be made of caked dry ground wiht a few dead trees except of cource for the boababs since it is the only tree that can survive on the dry afrikan dessert I figured it would be nice! Also I think few ppl know what the look like or even of them so thery're already abit scifi.

I love boababs!!!!! I think they are a marvel of nature and the most beautiful plant in the world!
here is a thumbnail of one!


This tree can live for hundreds of years but the oldest one on record is said to have been 1200 years old! :)

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:55 pm
by psYco
Oh I forgot to ask, well this is not really a ''job post'' its just I was wondering if any modelers with sum spare time wouldent mind mabey trying out a lowpoly baobab? Ive tried but it just seems impossible!

Oh and any level desighners who have any ideas about how to get such MASSIVE scale in RF could please just post here! All my outdoor levels are going to be EPIC and I know RF was not desighend for that but any help would be cool! thanks!

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:13 am
by Juutis
To me that quick sketch of yours looks awesome. I could never draw anything like that even if I tried it for weeks.

And I think the idea of placing your sci-fi world to african environment is great! You're gonna have some problems with framerate, though. But no fear! With enough imagination you can find a way to create that massive world with a decent framerate! I think hint brushes and LOD are gonna become your best friends. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:59 pm
by psYco
Thanks very much!!! :D And I dont mind if the frame rate is not too hot wiht the current version of RF since i do not intend to release my final game project in an engein as dated as the Gennises 3D. Dont get me wrong its a decent engien, but I hope for my current project to oneday land me a carree in the game dev industry and so I would like to make the visuals epic and appealing! Although I cannot hope to match the big boys (HL2, Dark Messaih, Quake Wars, Team Fortress 2) the visuals although only assisting the game and story will do better to be atleast ''modern''

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:18 pm
by psYco

jsut sum more concept art...

Also Does any 1 here know how to use blender??? Is it any good for making 3D animations ie for game cutscenes (similar to those in oddworld: abe's oddesy or the sequals) I know it can be used for that and Im busy learing how to use it with a wiki book ''blender n00b- pro'' (or something) but i dont want to waste my time if its not ideal...

Rite now im learning how to model with it but all I really want to do is import my game models from MS3D and animate them in blender in 3D scenes made ''in'' blender and then record the .avi's.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:33 pm
by GD1
i've dabbled in blender off and on for awhile, the interface was always a bit complex for me and my lack of patience didn't really help.

You CAN use Blender for this, really its the only free option, but you have to remember that RF can really be a pain in the butt when its loading .avi files. you might have some trouble getting all you actors into blender, but once you get past that it shouldn't be too hard. Although I can't really speak for the animation system since i've never used it, but i know you can export directly to an .avi file.

Once you learn Blender you'll love it, its just that awkward learning stage that gets you.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:54 pm
by psYco
yeah I know! This wiki book is great, but OMFG, its HUGE! Ive been working for 2-3 monthes and am only 1/9th of the way in! Oh well no glory w/ no pain! :) And good to here you can import wiht out too much dificulty!

How do you mean RF is a pain in loading .avi? Ive never used this function before but dont oyu just add a ''cutscene'' entity to the map and then specify whitch video to play or is this not the way to go? I might start another thread on cutscenes to not fill this one up w/ that...