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Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:07 pm
by steven8
Juutis wrote: Thanks! Yeah, all the weapon and character models are made, textured and animated by me.
Anyway, I've improved a lot since I made those models. Check the first post of my game topic to see my recent works.
Man, your weapon models are sweet! I love the texturing. I am a big quake fan, and the texturing reminds me of Quake2. Fantastic, Juutis!

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:22 am
by MakerOfGames
Took me a little while to get back on here to answer about my project but I finally got a few seconds free.

Once I get a small amount of free time I will update my games thread and its progress. I'm not sure how much has been added since you left steven8. For now, a lot of my game is behind the curtain because its in early design(again, or still? I don't even know :lol: ). Once I get something to show, thats when I will start to reveal many more details about it. I guess thats one thing thats new, I have scrapped much work and started over. Much is staying the same, but more has been overhauled. I'll make sense of that later. An update of my progress will be coming soon.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:36 am
by steven8
Excellent! it'll be great to see your stuff. As much as you'll show, MoG. :D I certainly understand scrapping and starting over. It's why Castle of the Pharaoh took so dang long to complete that short little demo.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:01 am
by AndyCR
Welcome back! :)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:03 am
by steven8
AndyCR wrote:Welcome back! :)
Thanks Andy. Good to see you on. How's the computer situation?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:50 am
by AndyCR
HP overnighted me a new restore disc, so I'm back up and running as soon as I get the PC set up for RF2 development again.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:00 pm
by steven8
Great. Did you lose anything?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:15 am
by jonas
bernie wrote:Jonas: You why not dual boot linux/win2k. No problems with activation etc with win2k and after all Xp is only a downgraded win2k. I recently dumped xp pro in favour of win2k on my dellxps and it runs much better now. Linux is definately the way to go but as you say many programs don't run even under wine so personally I think dual booting is the answer for the time being.
Actually I do have dual boot xp pro/ubuntu.

zany_001 wrote:@jonas, have you tryed using vmware, with XPpro, or 2k?
I don't believe i've ever heard of vmware. Is it a linux distro?
steven8 wrote:w0000t! is right! Here in Barberton, they are really cool about home schooling. My wife works up a curriculum over the summer, turns it in to the school board with an evaluation a licensed educator does of the boys portfolio of work, along with a form she fills out, and they send a notice that the boys are excused from attending. Most cool. Akron gives their home schoolers fits. They treat them like criminals or lesser citizens. It's a shame.
sweet! so actually homeschooling they will be treated as if they went to normal school once they're out? I had to go and take a G.E.D to have the equivalent of completing highschool cause they wouldn't except homeschool.
Andycr wrote: HP overnighted me a new restore disc, so I'm back up and running as soon as I get the PC set up for RF2 development again.
I love that company :D I've always had very good support from them. Except for if you get a someone that hardly speaks that gets old..having to keep saying "excuse me?" "could you repeat that?" lol but I guess that's pretty much going on in all of the companies.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:34 am
by steven8
sweet! so actually homeschooling they will be treated as if they went to normal school once they're out? I had to go and take a G.E.D to have the equivalent of completing highschool cause they wouldn't except homeschool.
I believe they'll have to test out at the end, but that's no problem. Some cities, like Akron, make the parents feel like criminals for not sending their kids to public school. I know why. it's because their state funding is linked to the number of kids attending. less kids, less bucks. But their schools are not worth going to. That's the catch!

I dual booted XPPro and Ubuntu for awhile. Not a bad combination. I now run XPPro in VirtualBox, which is just a virtual machine like VMWare. it's just a program which emulates an actual computer. You actually install the OS on it, just like a regular computer. it allocates space on your hdd for while it's running. I set mine up for 10 gbs, and now I wish I'd used more.