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Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:31 pm
by wackedoutbiker
Well done my good man. Though I am still in mourning for your hard drive... :(

I'd like an inventory system like that, but I don't know where to start, and also, I want first or third-person shooter style combat. Third, attaching shoes (while replacing a different pair) to show on the character would be absolutely great.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:39 pm
by psYco
well again all screens looking awsome! i was just wondering, if your planning on releasing any details on plot or story line? cause im really curious what were going to do in this game... It looks cool and u have a cape witch is always AWSOME! im just wondering, are u gonna be able to customise your character? Like with clothes and stuff aswel as abilities etc?

well looking good :D


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:08 pm
by Jay
yes, the clothes are actually attached to the actor, so whatever you wear, you will be able to see it. Like if you put on the gloves you can see them on the hands and so. Because of the cape you cannot see the body of the main char all the time, but if you wear armor, it will also be shown on your character.

Abilities will be learned by going to trainers, there will be ones that are essential and ones that you won't need for the plot, but are good to have,like cooking, there will be a funny cooking competition in a big city (a side quest), kinda like those minigames in the zelda game. And then once you have the basics learned from the trainer you can invest your exp to get better.

For the storyline:

The basic thing is that Dioran(you) and Kriston discover a part of an old artifact, but because it is a forbidden artifact (you did not know this), you two get thrown out of the town by the priest of the town (the priest has a position of power). You now have to live by your uncle in Triodon. (The priest wants the thing out of town) Triodon is way in the north. And so your journey and your great quest begins...

The demo will be how you discover the artifact and how you are thrown out of the town. You may return later, but you cannot until you did certain thinghs (not sure yet)

Doing the side quests will give you better equipment, which you will really need. Before you are thrown out of the town, your father (the smith) gives you a sword that he hasn't finished yet, and also a letter from you mom (she's dead, she died 3 days after your birth), that only you can read. The sword is your personal weapon and the thing on it is, you can give it to certain great smiths that will 'reforge' it and make it even better. But only the main character can hold it.

That's detailed enough and still doesn't give away the main plot, which starts when you meet with your will see :twisted:

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:20 am
by AeKarma
The storyline sounds great man! Also the screenshots are beauty. The cape really got me :D

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:54 pm
by wackedoutbiker
Wonderfully done. Now that I've taken a closer look, I see that your game is looking even better than last time I wrote in here.

How hard is it to have such an inventory system? I'm good with level design and storywriting, and okay at character creation, but not so great at programming...I'm rebuilding my visuals for a better look and feel...

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:50 pm
by darksmaster923
wackedoutbiker wrote:Wonderfully done. Now that I've taken a closer look, I see that your game is looking even better than last time I wrote in here.

How hard is it to have such an inventory system? I'm good with level design and storywriting, and okay at character creation, but not so great at programming...I'm rebuilding my visuals for a better look and feel...
well it depends on how complex you want it. if its reallly necessary, you can use the built in inventory. but, if your going a scripted inventory, it might take alot of work.

oh yea, GJ on the game Jay

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:13 am
by wackedoutbiker
Well, I intend to use a scripted player...the default one doesn't cut it for what I want to do, and besides, it doesn't really bend along the spine when you move the mouse...

I know Federico has managed it, I'll ask him later...

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:35 pm
by Juutis
Oh ya, forgot about this thread.

The story sounds great! It kinda reminds me of Baldur's Gate. You have to leave the city for some reason and travel somewhere, and then you are pulled into a big adventure. Also the 'you may return later' part was in BG. :)

Anyway, I think the story is addictive enough to get people to play your game. I hope the 'main story' is as interesting as the beginnig. :wink:
Also the minigames sound awesome! It's always fun to play those. :D

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:44 pm
by psYco
i concur :D i love mini games and yeah the plots sounds wicked! good job m8 :)

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:49 pm
by Jay
ok i got two updates. They are not graphical, but they affect the gameplay very much.

The first:
Depending on an ability that can be powered up during the game, your attack/defense/spellcasting abilities are calculated by a key. That might soun confusing, but i will make it a bit more clear:
You have a 'skill' for attacking, defending (two different types: dogding or defending with a shield, some characters may be better in dodging than in using the shield!!!), and spellcasting. Like Attack I, Attack II, III, and so on. But while at Attack I your actual attack-value is computed like that:
at Attack II it is computed this way:
You see, some characters have birthgiven talents for attacking (more strenght, dexterity than others), dodging, and so on. But they can also train to get better.

Then when you attack, the game will look if you have hit by comparing attack and defense and then look if you have hit the opponent. The more you have more attack then the enemy has defense, the more chance you have to hit. This is already implemented and seems to work quite good.

The second:
I disliked how most of the modern rpg games, like WoW for example, treat skills. You first pick this spell, then this, then this, all of them very loosely connected. It doesn't count very much in which order you cast them, it's only the speed and your mana reserve that really matters.

But i am going to make it differently. I have just started to implement a combination system:

-every ability (spell/skill) has some values that make all the following abilities better. Like +5% damage, +5% speed and so on. (This counts unitl you break the combination because of mana/stars shortage or because your timing was not good)
-some abilities only affect the following attack, like +10 strenght (more damage) or +6 intelligence (better chance to hit with a spell), or lesser mana cost. But some very powerfull abilities also have a malus!!! After a strong blow you are tired for a short while and therefore you are weakend (like -5 strenght)
-With some difficult (and long enough) combinations, you can even regain stars to hammer on and on. This way the action doesn't fade. Mana regain is not possible. This would be ridicolous because the game would become too easy.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:57 pm
by psYco
well it sounds like your going to add alot more strategy to the combat in RPGs, i think thats great, one of my biggest problems with RPGs is their lack of skill (okay dont yetll but they DO require less thinking than lets say an RTS) anyway your ideas sound great and from what ive seen you are more than capable of putting them into play, i cant wait to play you game :)

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:42 pm
by Jay
Those conversations are taking longer than i thought. It's a lot of work to write conversations for all those townspoeple...
But anyway have made some progress afar from the conversations, i have added torches:

This is a bit brighter:

opposed to this:

They are going to be important because otherwise you may not be able to see something in the really dark areas of the ancient ruins. I am planning to make a 'puzzle' where you always step through the dark, without torches it's almost impossible to solve.

Also, i have made a prototype of the map in the inventory, it will always show your current position on the world map:


You might be able to buy special maps which then are merged with your world map to show you special places.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:24 pm
by Jay
So... it's been a time since the last update. I have revised the whole system of the combinations: (the basics are there and working, but the complicated stuff not)

Before i wanted to do them with the keyboard, but after a time i realised that it was somehow strange and reminded and was just hacking the keyboard with some keys. Boring. But then i got the infamous idea:


So, remember the spells in Black&White? how you did them with 'drawing' with the mouse?

Good, because that's how i am doing it, but in a bit other way:

First you must imagine several 'zones' around the main character on the screen. Here is a picture that shows the zones:


However those zones do not end somewhere like in the picture, they go till the end of the screen.

So... Let's say i would want to do a Slash from right to left. So all i have to do is click in the right forward zone, hold the mouse button and then pull it into the left forward zone! The sword follows the mouse moving! (I love this idea so much, it's so cool)
Then i want to make a slash back from left to right. I just pull the mouse into the right zone again.
Now i want to do a stitch: I pull the mouse quickly upward inside the forward zone and the stitch happens.

Now guess what would be if i would circle the mouse around the character... Yes! It's a Spinattack!!

(Of course the more complicated attacks have to be learned first, you can do the left-right from the beginning and in the starting town you can also learn the stitch and the hacker, later on you can learn twohanded slashes (with a one handed sword too!) that you will do with holding both the left and the right mouse button)

But it's not only the direction, but also the speed that matters: If you move too slowly, nothing will happen.

I am only beginning to see the infinite possibilities here... Like a quick left-right (or right-left) inside the forward zone that doesn't go a long distance for a parade of an enemies' slash...

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:36 pm
by darksmaster923
You know whats weird? my Brother got the exact same idea! execept it was for a joke, so he made it retarded, like you can stab and slash at the same time but spin attacks is some elaborate formation and you have less than a second to do combos.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:33 pm
by psYco
sounds great cant wait to try it out :)