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Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:17 pm
by Destron
Here we go. Just 1 link for now...

I had another site with tutorials, but I can't seem to find it. It's probably in my bookmarks somewhere... I'll give it to you if I find it.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:06 pm
by Sph!nx
Cool, Thanks Destron! It's appreciated!

Building the site between some tasks I'm doing for the DevEd Community. Expect some updates on the site's progress later next week.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:05 pm
by ardentcrest
I have added an Image Gallery and Flash Games section where you can upload pictures and flash games to the site. ... e/news.php

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:33 pm
by Sph!nx
You are doing a great job, ardentcrest! Makes me think that my potential site is kinda unnesesary. I don't feel bad about it because I just wanted to create a little place for myself and possibly others for resources and stuff and now it's already being done for me :wink:

I do have some suggestions though. I have a fast internet connection but your site loads terribly slow. I suggest you keep an eye out for other hosting. Also, your banner could use a better graphic imho. Perhaps I can assist you with that.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:58 pm
by ardentcrest
No keep working on your site. the more sites like this, the better it is for all of RF.
More voices make a louder noise!!!!

I do have some suggestions though. I have a fast internet connection but your site loads terribly slow. I suggest you keep an eye out for other hosting.
My computer is the host. I run it as a sever that why I can host almost unlimited files.
My wife also shares the bandwidth on her computer. and the BIT*&$ is always torrenting,
that slows me down a bit, but not after 11pm GMT and before 9 am GMT the next morning.
Also, your banner could use a better graphic imho. Perhaps I can assist you with that.
That would be great as I run the sites as a community site any help is always useful.

Cant wait to see your site ( and nick your links :twisted: ) :D

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:36 pm
by Sph!nx
No keep working on your site. the more sites like this, the better it is for all of RF.
More voices make a louder noise!!!!
Well, that's not excaclty what I intended with this site. My contribution to 'the cause' is a very prominent 'add' banner on my site. :wink:
My computer is the host. I run it as a sever that why I can host almost unlimited files.
My wife also shares the bandwidth on her computer. and the BIT*&$ is always torrenting,
that slows me down a bit, but not after 11pm GMT and before 9 am GMT the next morning.
Oi, But if you truly want this to become a succes you do need to find yourself some hosting because if this indeed becomes a succes you will find that all the features and extra's you want to provide will produce quite an amout of traffic. Decent hosting can vary in costs depending on provider. I don't know that much on the matter 'cause I get mine for free.

Also, when the time is right, you do need to do alot on PR and advertising to get your site known. An 'official affiliate' status with Reality Factory would help alot!
That would be great as I run the sites as a community site any help is always useful.
Sure thing. I will try to keep it clean, simple, stylish and above all it must blend with the current theme. Gonna look at it and get back to ya.
Cant wait to see your site ( and nick your links :twisted: ) :D
Actually, putting it on-hold for the time being. First I will focus on the engine itself and later make a site of all things I have collected in that time.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:59 pm
by ardentcrest
The all New

RF Community Web host

free web host service is online.

Steven8 is the first to sign up.

Here is what you get

200 MB disk space, Vista Panel, Web mail, 1 GB Monthly transfer, PHP Flags manager, POP email accounts,
1 MySQL databases, Automatic installer (29 scripts), Password protected folders, 5 Add-on domains,
FTP account, Php MyAdmin, 5 Sub domains, File manager (browser upload)

Your site doesn't even have to be about Reality Factory.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:37 pm
by zany_001
do we get free web domain names, like, instead of

:shock: :P :twisted: :roll: :o :D :lol: :shock: :)
I will strive to create a simple yet fun @sight@ for RF users
Steven8 made a spelling mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:shock: :P :twisted: :roll: :o :D :lol: :shock: :)

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:52 pm
by ardentcrest
No It will be in the form

Bu you can goto and get a domain name

and point it to

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:06 pm
by zany_001
ok ty very much.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:56 pm
by ardentcrest
If you ask nice

1: you can have more than one account
2 : you can have 300MB MAX not 200MB
3 : up to 3 Databases

Come get them while they're hot.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:23 pm
by Sph!nx
Hi all, I've decided to put the intended content for RFRC on my own site in the downloads and tutorials sections. I cannot be bothered anymore to finnish RFRC 'cause I have some excellent ideas for games to build with Reality Factory and have plenty to learn regarding that!

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:48 am
by darksmaster923
zany_001 wrote:do we get free web domain names, like, instead of

:shock: :P :twisted: :roll: :o :D :lol: :shock: :)
I will strive to create a simple yet fun @sight@ for RF users
Steven8 made a spelling mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:shock: :P :twisted: :roll: :o :D :lol: :shock: :)
i can make him have more spelling mistakes. like this:
Steven8 wrote:i wilts strivz to makez a simple yet f|_|n shight for RF pplz

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:26 pm
by steven8
zany_001 wrote:do we get free web domain names, like, instead of

:shock: :P :twisted: :roll: :o :D :lol: :shock: :)
I will strive to create a simple yet fun @sight@ for RF users
Steven8 made a spelling mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:shock: :P :twisted: :roll: :o :D :lol: :shock: :)
That's extremely anal of you, zany, but I got it corrected. :lol: That's one of those words a spell check won't catch because it is spelled correctly, but used incorrectly. It is also what comes of working on your 'site' when you have been up working all night, and then spent the morning doing your kid's school. You tend not to focus on little things.

Thanks for the new possibilities, ardentcrest. I have not had time to do much more work on things of late.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:55 pm
by ardentcrest
The RF Community File Store is an on going project.

You can now upload your RF files, demos, maps ect.

You can download files.

You can create your own blog.

You can add any content to the Content Management.

You can even add your news to the main page.

If you want a link to your site all you nee to do is PM me and I'll add your site.

Become a member and help increase the knowledge for the
world of Reality Factory.

File Size

If you want to upload any files it must be under 10MB in size.

that is the size from this host we have to go by.

If you have one bigger then you must break it up.

.EXE file will not be uploaded.

New Update

We now have an Image Gallery and Flash Games section. You can up load pictures and flash game to the File Store.

If you think we need something more that we can add to File Store, just PM me and I'll see if I can add it to the site.

Now added

I have now added the RealityFactory IRC chat room.

Just become a member of FileStore and Click on Chat in the Main Menu.