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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:20 pm
by psYco
Actually I just discoverd a problem, I have recently set a task for one of my team members, and In the message section i typed nearly 2 pages of description and instructions, and that was about 3 days ago, I just assumed that the team member had not checked it yet, but now looking in my messges out box, and checking the task there is no trace of the description I typed, Im afraid this will waste both the time I spent detailing the task and the time the member could have been working on the project.

I think that there needs to be a bug check of the messaging system since it seems there is a problem there. :?

Anyway Still thanks for the great tool, I hope the issue with the messaging will be easily resolved.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:14 pm
by scott
it could be something to do with temporary internet files, as when they re-apeard i was at work, when i got back home they wernt there so i deleted all internet files and when i re-loged on they appeard again, just an idea but could be nothing to do with this.