Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:56 pm
this is a general misconception, that many still beleive and i have shattered that belief myself!I know that the Gennises engien h8s big spaces! Even with the fog turned off it wont show things very far away! So i think im gonna have to get very clever with the level desigh. eg make things really small so they look far away and make walls that droop and meet to make as if a passage goes on forever!
you can have very large expansive open area's like deserts, no problems at all, however you will need to think a little bit about how you decide to attempt this though, here's how,
1. Use scale! it's your best friend for large open area's, you can scale the player down a really small size making everything seem huge, change the speed the player moves at you have a really large! believable area, i have scaled the player down to at least 0.05 really don't wanna go lower than that this start's to cause problems...
i will need a whole other post for.
i have had maps where i started walking, from one side and hit the other side 15-mins(real time) later, this was constant running in one direction, .....that is a huge map!
2. level design if you have hills, or cavers which can block off the view from the player you can sneakily load in another area *see image below level design.jpg* giving the illusion that your area is even bigger yet, imagine 2 expansive area's that take 15-mins(real-time) each to cross.
3. Use L.O.D.... the level of detail is a really big advantage, this can add in low poly's equivilants of stuff in the distance greatly improving frame rates.
in the making of the "shadow of the colossus" Ueda said that his team relied heavily on L.O.D for terrains, im not saying we can make shadow of the colossus with RF but the principles are the same none the less, he stated that they L.O.D got less and less poly's until you get to the furtherest point out untill you see what is called a super-low, which ultimatly is a flat image........we too have this power built into RF!
[4.]fogging, depending on your idea, fogging will help with you maps, try to have fog that matches the colour of your sky, behind the fogging make sure you include a far clip plane this culls everything behind the fog and is not rendered at all greatly improving frames.